Corso istruttori PICC, Lisbona, 20-21 giugno

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Il 20-21 giugno 2016 a Lisbona si terrà il corso istruttori PICC durante il PICC Academy Network (PAN) collegato al World Congress Vascular Access, (WoCoVA) che si terrà subito dopo dal 22 al 24 giugno.

Due eventi consecutivi offriranno 5 giorni di approfondimento sugli accessi vascolari.

La presentazione del corso istruttori PICC tratta dal deplian. 

4th International Course for PICC instructors 'Train The Trainer' Introduction

The use of PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters) is growing in many countries around the world because they are a good alternative to traditional central catheters, especially for mid to long-term I.V. therapies.

Their placement is simple, non-traumatic with low iatrogenic risks.

They are also particularly appropriate for home care, for example for home parenteral nutrition or antibiotherapy. The goal of the PICC Academy Network, or PAN, is to build a comprehensive and consensual PICC training program, bring all the PICC trainers to a level of excellence, build “accredited” PICC training centers in many countries, spread guidelines and best practices for better patient outcomes.

The PAN will also be a great tool for networking and sharing experience about PICC training.

The participants must be expert in PICCs and have some experience as trainers.

The certificate attesting the successful completion of the PAN course will be delivered only if the attendee passes the training simulation exam.

The PAN trainer certificate will be validated with the first course conducted by the graduate within 6 months of the graduation. Learning objectives The attendees will know:

- Their role and responsibilities as a PICC trainer

- The recommended structure and topics that they should follow during a PICC training

- The skills and knowledge that they should make sure each PICC trainee acquires

- How to organize a PICC training with hands-on sessions, tutoring and follow- up

- The qualities of a good instructor, a good clinical tutor and a good lecturer

- How to objectively assess a PICC trainee


Scarica il deplian dal sito GAVECELT (LINK)


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